Monday, January 21, 2008

Valentines with Gracie..



My niece feels it is important to be prepared, I could use some of that...

One of these things just doesn't belong here, one of things just isn't the same...which one do you think? (hint: look closely at the pen, you may have to click the picture to see it, you wouldn't guess I was a photography major, huh?)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bazaar Bizarre Boston Stuff

Cool fabric from Reprodepot

I especially like the tea cups that have disgruntled faces...

A spring bag from applecart...

Other cool stuff...

My sweet husband bought me the skull and knitting needles pin...the rubber stamps are from Sewing stars.

One other cool vendor Anna Built.You have to check out the earrings, she is cleaver and transforms trash to treasure. It will be a future purchase for sure!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Is it a bird, It's a plane, No it's ....

... scantily. No, it's Schenectady...No, no, no. It's skeintily clad! You may also purchase this at the Island Yarn Company. (LYS)

As promised some of my scores from the Bazaar Bizarre Boston. Pretty sock yarn, just waiting to be a pair of socks...

Some other yummy yarn...

This one has a little silk in it, oh boy!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year!

Just back from DC, my cousin got married. Had a great time, I did pull an "Annie Mary" and fell flat on my a-double scribble on the dance floor during the B-52's Love shack. I recovered with little embarassment, there were soo many people no one noticed...I hope...I am sure my Cousin Keith would have captured that one on film if it didn't happen so would have been funny if he did, I would have posted that one...

Life is getting back to normal and I am lining up some new projects. I will post at a later date..